Medallion Metals Ltd: Progress on EPBC Referral

Jan 08, 2025

Medallion Metals Ltd (ASX: MM8) is progressing with the permitting process for the proposed Ravensthorpe Gold Project. The project has reached a significant stage under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and is currently in the Referral Decision phase. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water oversees the environmental approval process.

During this phase, the referral and public comments will inform the decision on whether the project is classified as a "controlled action," which would require Ministerial approval under the EPBC Act, or if it can move forward without additional approvals. The referral decision is expected by 05 February 2025 unless further information is requested. Approval under the EPBC Act is essential for the sulphide development strategy and will significantly impact the development timeline, particularly as Medallion pursues permits for both the Ravensthorpe and Forrestania projects.



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