Refund & Cancellation Policy

Subscription Terms

Your subscription begins as soon as you make the one time payment . Your subscription with us will not automatically renew. If you are not satisfied with our services, please contact our customer service team on 180 005 780 or email us at . We will seek to resolve your complaint within 5 business days after it is received.

Renewal Terms

Your subscription begins as soon as you make the one time payment. Your subscription will not renew automatically. We may offer new terms at each renewal.

Cancellation and Refund Terms

You can request a cancellation of your services or for a full or partial refund by contacting our customer support team at A refund will only be available within a 14 days cooling-off period from the date of payment. Refund requests made after 14 days, will be considered at our sole discretion. If a full or partial refund is granted, please note that your services will then also be cancelled/impacted, and your subscription may immediately stop, and you may lose access to the services.